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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Lovers and their success

Lovers live in Two Worlds, the world of love where Stomach is Always Full and  the real world where Wish-list Never Ends, and their Success lies in giving Due Importance to both the worlds. Neglecting one will ruin the Pleasure of  having other.

A little materialistic (or should I say practical) approach towards love.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I don't pray to God

I don't pray to God, not because I don't believe Him but because I believe Him firmly.

I believe in God and I believe in Karma. I trust Him and sometimes worship Him too. And at numerous instances He has proved that He is with me.

Actions are not enough

Actions are not enough to make a mark, aim is also important.

I was surfing Facebook.com profiles and found Priya Sen. She has launched a website for people who want to learn html, CSS, PHP, Ruby, Java etc.I went to her website and found some virus scripts. I thought that young generation of 1945 distributed papers with instruction to make a Bomb (to use in freedom struggle) and the young generation of 2010 is sharing virus scripts.

Note that here I am not saying anything against her or her website.It's just that her website gave me a new quote and I thought I should mention her and the story behind this quote.

Monday, November 22, 2010


We don't create an impression, we make it.

I made this punchline after reading a comment of my friend(Parimal Das) on Facebook:- @Tarun: reynolds pen shows ....that our company doesnot believe in unnecessary exuberance ..... bole to we are cost effective :P

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Indian arrange marriage custom is amazing

Day 0: You only know girl's name, academic background and have just seen her photo (only one photo). 

Day 1: You meet her for the first time in presence of family members and get engaged with her. 

Day 2: Love for her comes naturally. She has become an important part of your life. Now she is present in all your future plans and when friends ask you to keep some gap between engagement and marriage... boy says,"Now I can't live far from her.I want her with me at the earliest." 

PS: A friend recently got engaged

Monday, October 25, 2010

What leads you to a lonely life

Before deciding that you will contact only those who contact you, be ready to live a lonely life.

Benefit of being useless

There's one benefit of being useless, you won't have mean people around you.

मुदत्तो बाद उन्से बात हूई

मुदत्तो बाद उनसे बात हूई तो धम गयी ज़मी और धम गयी धरकन
फूल खिले, चिड़िया चेह्की, जाग गया रोम-रोम  और चमक उठा कण कण

Saturday, October 23, 2010

कुछ इस तरह गुजरी थी मेरी रातें

वह  पतझड़ का  मौसम  था।  कालिया  खिलने  से  पहले  ही  मुरझाई  सी  ज़मीन  की  ओर  देख  रही  थी।  मैं  झील  के किनारे बैठा  सूरज  को  डूबता  देख  रहा  था। हर  रात  की  तरह  उस  रात  भी  मुझे  अपने  चाँद  का  इंतज़ार  था।  मैं  सूखी  झील को  भरने  की  कोशिश  तो  कर  रहा  था  पर..............

अचानक सब कुछ बदल गया।।।।। पतझड़  बहार में बदल चुकी थी, कलियाँ फूल बन चुकी थी, हरे पेड़ो  पर चिड़िया चेह-चाहा रही थी।  यू तो गगन साफ़  था  पर  एक  बादल कुछ  ऐसे पास  आकर रुका, की  मानो  मुझे  छाव देने  ही  आया  हो,  मुझमें  उमंग  और उल्लास  भर  गया, मेरी  आवाज़  बुलंद,  दृष्टि  साफ़  और  सोच  सकारात्मक हो  गयी।  एक  संतुष्टि  सी  मेहसूस कर  रहा  था मैं।  जैसे  मेरा  जहां  मेरे  पास  बैठा  हो ।। जैसे  मेरी  सारी खवाईशे  पूरी  हो  गयी  हो ।

मैं आपनी  आँखे  बंद  किये  उस  बे-मौसम  आई  बहार  का  आनंद  लेने  लगा।।।।जब  आँख  खुली  तो  देखा  की  वो बहार  जा चुकी  थी,  सूरज  दिशा  बदल  चूका   था।  कलियाँ  फिर  खिलने   की  जहदोजहद  में  मशरूफ  हो  चुकी  थी। ये  अनुभव  मेरे लिए  कुछ  नया  नहीं  था।  जिस  दुनिया  में  मैं  रहता  था  वहा  अक्सर  ये  होता  है। शायद  हर  रात  की तरह मैं कल  रात भी  अपने  चाँद  का  इंतज़ार  करते  करते  उसके सपनो  में  खो  गया  था। 

Mannnn!!!! you are in love.

When her one cute smile make thousands of butterflies run in your stomach, Mannnn!!!! you are in love. 

When her happiness becomes your ultimate goal, Mannnn!!!! you are in love. 

When 'thoughts of her' are not allowing you to sleep, Mannnn!!!! you are in Love. 

When one glimpse of her makes your day, Mannnn!!!! you are in Love. 

When you suppress all your wishes/desires for her one wish, Mannnn!!!! you are in Love.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Lady in red

And, that's how love makes people 'Colourblind'.

Link: 'Lady in red' Chris De Burgh Lyrics Video
Link:  'Colourblind' by Darius Campbell Lyrics Video

Saturday, October 2, 2010

कल उन्होंने फिर याद किया

जो छोड़ गए थे साथ कभी, कल उन्होंने फिर याद किया
गिले शिकवे छोड़ सभी, संयम से हमने काम लिया. 
इधर उधर की बात हूई, फिर जिंदगी-ए-हाल भी बया हुआ, 
चंद लम्हों से ही सही, पर शुक्र है फिर उस रिश्ते का आगाज़ तो हुआ.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Is everything alright ?

A few days back I posted a song ('Feel Like Makin Love' By Bad Company) on facebook with  text- "1:30 am + walking on the roof + cool breeze of this rainy season + this song on Radio.............. awesome". On this comment someone said,"I can smell something Vipul...  everything alright?" and I replied-

If love is not in your life nothing is alright..Now  I'm wondering at your question..... should I say EVERYTHING IS ALRIGHT.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I look into your eyes

They say," Sometimes you have to get lost to find yourself " , so whenever I want to find myself I look into your eyes.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Toughest Fight

The toughest fight is the one which is fought against oneself.

Friday, August 20, 2010

A Total Failure

"A total failure is when you can't figure out why you have failed." 

"You have not failed if you have learnt a lesson for life."

Blood V/s Heart

My blood says O- but my heart says B+.


Monday, August 16, 2010

Yet another Independence Day of India

Yet another 15th of August. Yet another Independence Day of India. Yet another day to rotate patriotic smses without giving it needed seriousness.

Today morning, while watching TV, I heard a TV personality saying something which really forced me to ponder on the significance of this day in the mind of today's Indian. Have we taken our independence for granted??? Have we forgotten about the real heroes because of whom we can do whatever we wish to??? Do we realize the importance of this day??? NO. We all take it as yet another holiday. Yes a holiday-that's what most of the Indian's relate this day to. Instead of thinking what significant thing we can do for our country on this day, we check for the day when it is falling. Is it on Friday??? Are we going to have a long weekend(Friday-Sunday)? Can we go for an outing to some nearby tourist spot? Can we plan out a get together or some movies with our friends or family. That's all most of us think.

The transformation from a nation reeling under colonialism to a important player in the global economics should instill a sense of national pride in the heart of every Indian,living in India or abroad.But does this pride really exists in each one of us? Though there's some respect left in the mind of middle-aged generation for the sacrifices and the pain of freedom fighters, the present and the upcoming(west influenced) generation don't even bother about the past. They study it as a syllabus or as an important topic for a competitive exam. We, the present generation have not seen the slaved India and process of independence either so, most of us don't understand the value of gift that our previous generations have given us-THE FREEDOM. No matter how rich we are in words when such topic is raised, we remain mum when it comes to what we have done for the betterment of our society-like for the Chotu who serves us Tea everyday.(Here I would proudly like to mention that my maid's daughter, who comes to our house daily to assist her mother, is doing Bachelor of Arts and has also joined a English speaking course.)

India remained the second fastest growing economy in the world despite an unprecedented global recession.Most countries suffered negative growth in at least one quarter over the last two years but India’s GDP grew by more than 6% throughout this period – and by 7.9% in the last quarter of 2009.(ref.)Each of us has played some role to achieve this but at the same time each of us has also played some role in increasing corruption, social evilness, exploitation,misuse of power and money.........

A article 'Six Deadly Sins That Plague India' by Anirban Choudhury rightly tells the six sins of India as

  • Sin 1: When it comes to corruption, we are second to none 
  • Sin 2: We take pride in calling India a democracy, but from time to time our country has witnessed violence in the name of religion or caste 
  • Sin 3: We are still waiting for better governance for our country which can bring well-spread development/growth 
  • Sin 4: We Indians are a self-centred lot and things simply don’t bother our conscience as long as our homes are in order. 
  • Sin 5: When it comes to greed, we are second to none. I am not saying that others are not affected by the greed bug, but Indians stand out. 
  • Sin 6: The economic disparity in our country that the rich are becoming richer and the poor poorer. It’s a shame that thousands of poor farmers are forced to commit suicide year after year.

I would like to add one more-Sin 7:The 'Chalta Hai' attitude. We need to stop ignoring the wrongs that are happening around us.

In my opinion we are still tied in the chains of Division. The seed which was sown by English (Divide ;&Rule) is still reaping sour fruits. And sadly, our politicians are using this weakness to their best. Due to these politicians, the Indians which were once divided into two religion-Hindu and Muslims, are now further divided into Region (Delhite, Maharashtrian, Bihari, Bangali), Castes(Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christians) and Classes( General, BC, OBC). Billions of efforts(read this) have been made again and again by common people to bridge the gap but few disturbing elements are keeping the fire of division alive. Though it's always Goodness which wins over Evil but how much time it will take to win this social battle is a matter of concern for all of us.

Even today, there are some castes which rigorously oppose inter-caste marriages. If anyone marries or expresses his/her love for someone belonging to another caste, the couple has to bear serious consequences which includes 'Honor Killing'. A study commissioned by the National Commission for Women (NCW) and carried out by NGO 'Shakti Vahini' shows that out of the 560 cases where couples were threatened, 121 persons have been killed.(news link). The killers are none other then the family members. The parents,who have bestowed us with their love though out our live and the siblings with whom the innocent lovers had shared chocolates, have now become the killers just for the stake of Pride. If such things do prevail in present scenario then why to blame outsiders or politicians. The harsh fact is that we don't take our fellows/mates as another Indian. They are Delhiets, Biharis, Mumbaians, Bengali, Hindu, Brahmins, Kankuj Brahmins, Baniyas, Kayast, Gujratis........ OBC, BC......... the list goes on and on and on.........The Politicians or outsiders are just widening this gap to solve their purpose. I accept that there incidents like Mumbai Train Serial Blast where we Indian's have shown unmatchable unity and integration but this emotion/unity lasts for few days or weeks till we forget it and get busy in our small world. After that, we again become Mumbaians, Biharis and UP-walas, Baniya, Pandit etc..

Corruption is also a serious concern which is eating our country like a termite.It has now crossed all it's limits with the expenditure on the preparation for Common Wealth Games(CWG). Just for your glimpse-The CWG organizers are paying Rs9,75.000 of the tax payer's money as rent for 45 days for a treadmill by Harrods of London which costs around £10,000, or about Rs 7 lacs. Further to add, 45 day rent for chairs is Rs 8,378 a piece and that of a 100-litre refrigerators is Rs 42,202 each.These deals for the chairs, treadmills and refrigerators are just a sampling of the common-sense-defying contracts.(news link).

Why there is unity only at the time of crisis and where are patriotic politicians/leaders who first think for India, then for their party and at the last for themselves? Where is the law???? Where is the fair system? Will our politicians ever think about a common man? Is our Govt. taking adequate steps to meet the needs of a common man-affordable food, drinkable water and adequate electricity.

These are big questions and a common man can do nothing significant about it. But a common man can surely do a bit for his society. And this bit by every common man can collectively remove the bitter part of India.

PS: Here my intention is to express my concern for my country and not to pull us back.
      This post is dedicated to my sweet sister. It was her initiative....her thought. I have just pen it down with some facts and figures.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Request to God

Dear God, please don't give me fake reasons to smile.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Meet Mr. Raj Aryan Malhotra

There is a story behind all my posts and so do this one......

*Click here to know about this character, the film and the plot.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Bedroom

Another one from the old days, when I  used to play on Adobe Photoshop.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Actions and bad luck

If actions are not wise, the so-called 'bad luck' is inevitable.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Enjoy being in love

"To Enjoy being in Love, you don't need it in return.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Past, Present and Future

Cherish your past, live your present and plan your future.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Suicide is a crime

Suicide is a crime which may give ultimate relief to the culprit but leaves the dependents (of culprit) with much deeper pain and suffering.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

आशिक तो बहुत हैं दुनिया मे, चंद हमारे भी हो तो क्या बात हो

आशिक तो बहुत हैं दुनिया मे,
चंद हमारे भी हो तो क्या बात हो।

हमें तो उन्से बेइंतहा मोहब्बत है,
उन्हें भी हो जाये तो क्या बात हो। 

We had enough time

May be I was '25 minutes' late, but I am sure of one thing........ that we had enough time.

* to understand the relevance of '25 minutes', listen to '25 Minutes', a song by MLTR (Links: video lyrics )

Two things that act like termite in a relationship

If your friend doubts that you are hiding something in your bag, you can hand it over to him/her for his/her complete satisfaction but what will you do if he/she doubts that you are hiding some parts of your life..... what will you do????

I think 'Doubts,which can't be cleared' and 'not sharing your discomfort about something inter-connected' are two things which act like termite in a relationship....  From outside relationship will look healthy, but actually it will get worst and worst with time.

If you really want to keep a relationship, do share your discomfort and resolve the troubling issues at the earliest.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Favor of God

Every favor of God makes me more confident that I am on the right path.

Thankyou dear God, thankyou sooooo much.......


Sunday, July 18, 2010

Weekend to check accomplishments

Weekends don't make me happy because it's the time when I look back and evaluate my accomplishments of the week, which rarely satisfies me. Yes, Ye Dil Mange More!! But I still like them because they  fill me with  euphoria  to do the 'more' in the upcoming week.

PS: 'Ye Dil Mange More!' which means 'this heart asks for more'  is the punch line of Pepsi Co.  for Indian Market

The color of real smile

"Smile looks golden when it's real and platinum when you are the reason behind it."

Love satisfies the most

Love satisfies the most when you get it in exchange.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mom, I want to run into your arms

Today morning, I was listening to the below song and suddenly my heart started singing this song  for my Mom. Strange, isn't it??? but it's true.....I was feeling that mom needs me but I am not giving her the due importance and seva(service) she needs. I was feeling guilty. My heart was saying to me that 'I don't want to sing this song after she leaves us so I should do the needful now."

Lyrics of Rod Stewart's song  "RUN BACK INTO YOUR ARMS"

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah
Ooh, ooh (ooh, ooh
No matter how long it takes, baby
It would never be a day too long
All the mistakes I made
And the games that I played
Didn't know I was needin' you so bad
But I never thought that I would feel so lonely
And I never thought that I would feel so sad
I wanna run back into your arms tonight
I want you back here where you belong
I wanna take back all of those lies I told
I was wrong, so wrong
And now you're gone
Oh, yeah
Now you're gone
Just give me another chance, baby
To show you how much I really care
All that I put you through
I never knew
Didn't know I was makin' you so sad
Baby, now that you have given me a reason
And the time has come for me to understand
I wanna run back into your arms tonight
I want you back here where you belong
I wanna take back all of those lies I told
I was wrong, so wrong
And now you're gone
Now you're gone
Ooh, ooh
But you never miss the water till the well runs dry
But ya left me cold and lonely
And I know the reason why
I wanna run back into your arms tonight
I want you back here where you belong
I wanna take back all of those lies I told
I was wrong, so wrong
And now you're gone
Now you're gone
And now you're gone
All alone
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh (ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
I miss you, baby
I wanna run back to your arms
Yeah, hey, babe
And now you're gone
Now you're gone
And now you're gone

I don't want to sing this song when she is gone.........I am glad that my mother is still with me( not living with me but with me) and I have a chance...........

Parents are the most beautiful gift by God to you and you are lucky if you are living with them.Treasure their  presence and the company. Don't leave any chance to regret at later stage of your life that you were not a good son/daughter or that you could have done more......

Change to change

Be the change, to bring in the change.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Who can write beautifully

They asked me,"who can write?" 
And I said,"Any literate can write but he should be clear in his thoughts." 

They asked me ,"Who can write beautifully?" 
 And I said,"Only a beautiful heart......." 

They asked me,"Are my write-ups beautiful?" 
And I said,"An artist should never judge his own work.I just try to write and that's all I do."

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The more you spread love the more you get

They say that the more you spread love the more you get...... I am wondering where's the 'get' part.....

Today, I had a chat with a sweetheart who was a little disappointed.

A balance in life

About 2-3 years back, I was watching discovery channel. They were showing a documentary on Giraffes.There was a forest(I don't remember the name) where the population of giraffes was increasing rapidly... When the population was too high, the population of older giraffes started declining. Discovery team was there to find the reason behind this sudden increase in death rate of older giraffes. After doing all the research work they found that in that forest, there are some trees which are gaining a tendency to grow poisonous leaves after a certain height. Only older giraffe(as they were taller than younger giraffes) were eating those leaves and so only older giraffes was dying. It was nature's attempt to keep a balance...

We should also learn from nature and try to keep a balance in our life..

A balance between studying and having fun,
A balance between profession life and personal life.
A balance between tradition values and modern views......
A balance between love life and friendship.

A balance in life........... that's all we need

My dearest and most important possession

A blogger asked me about my dearest and most important possession?

My reply :

"Well,answer is not difficult for me.. It was in my mind the moment I read your question..but sometimes it takes time to find words.

It is all that I have received from my parent’s genes because that’s all I have which makes me special. Be it’s mental (creative & logical) ability, generosity, altruistic nature, continuous efforts for the betterment of life(and the society), simple living, being so transparent and open. no show-off… and much more....in short it’s my philosophy towards life and God(parents) gifted qualities.

If you are thinking that I am praising myself then I must tell you that I am not.. I’m just praising my dad and mom for what they have given me.."

Go to temple via beggar's street

If you really want to go to a temple, then go via beggar's street. It will cut-short your wish-list, make you modest, and will give you reasons to thank Him.

Last week(26th June), I had an incomplete discussion on God with Umang bhai. He said that he don't believe in today's God. When I asked him the reason, he said, it's because he don't like the way people worship him now. He said-"what I see... ppl doing is..begging...begging begging...all the time before God... praying (decent name for begging)... selfishly..... for own welfare..." I felt a little strange. If people are not worshiping Him the way they should then why to blame God for it and start disbelieving Him.

Since we had an incomplete discussion, I don't know his point of view. May be he respects Him but doesn't worship/pray Him. May be he believes in God but a little disappointed on the way people worship(read beg) him. 

The discussion ended in between due to shortage of time but my mind kept on pondering. The result was obvious-above lines.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Good Morning !!!! oh! it's already afternoon

Good Morning !!!!

oh! it's already afternoon
Good Afternoon 'Friend'

If you also started feeling sleepy after seeing my yawning face then here's a special hot lemon tea for you

Enjoy it before you sleep :)

Have a good day

(who else it could be????)  

I made this email and sent it to some people after replacing the word 'Friend' with their names.

Facebook and my time

Facebook is killing most of my time(read work-time), so no more Facebook outside office.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Love and lust

 Love says I'm yours, Lust says you are mine.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Every next moment is a chance

Who says that Life never gives you a second chance? For me, every next moment is a chance to make things right.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Life reminds me

Time to time life reminds me that everybody is alone here.... but I LOL on this fact and listen to my heart.

'Thanks man... but we all are alone :|'. This was Siddhartha's reply on my comment ('I am with you...') to one of his post on Facebook.com. I looked back and noticed that my life has also reminded me this fact a numerous times... and then after a little pondering, I came out with the above lines.....

Three categories of idle employees

It's very important for a manager to categorize idle employees into three categories-
  • Those who never keep their work pending,
  • Those who have not been assigned with sufficient work to do, and
  • Those who don't want to work. 

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Have you walked alone?

I don't know how its feels like to walk alone..... you never let me....
This line came to my mind when I read Andreia's status on Windows Live. She had written "We never walk alone!"

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A strange feeling

It's a strange feeling when you are not in love but all the people around you say that you are hiding it.......

They say that the smile and the glow on my face says it all.....
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